Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here I am again, no particular reason nothing really important to say, but I am here anyways. I have had such a fun time getting to know some of the people in the myspace realm. I have gotten in contact with nephews,my sister,old school friends from 15+ years ago, friends from Cookson,college,old co-workers, and friends from our church and it is so interesting to see everyones personality in their profiles. I am left to wonder everyone being "real" or are they trying to sound "cool,and interesting". I notice this more in the younger kids, and it sadens me to a certain degree. Young people are so afraid to "just be themselves" these days, becuase they are so worried with fitting in. Sure I was like that too at times, and now that I am an adult I can honestly say..I wasted way too much time worrying about what other people thought of me and not enough time worrying about what my Heavenly Father was thinking! I am sure that there are people out there who are being real and truly are that interesting! I am being real but probably not all that interesting!LOL Things from my perspective are typically a little different, becuase of the experiences i have had (maybe) but honestly it's just the way God hard wired my brain(again,LOL) I hope that I am not sounding too cheesey! We set up so many pretenses for ourselves that it is almost impossible for people to get to know the "real" person under the skin. Even the other day I was showing my husband my blog spot and he even said "I like reading these because it shows me a little glimpse of who you are inside", HUH, I thought I had been showing him the real me all along! This past Sunday our Pastor preached on "baggage", how we all have it, we all try to hide it,and we need to admit we got it,ect. On the stage were different peices of luggage aka "baggage" to help drive home the point. One interesting thing I noticed was this...In all of the different suitcases, some were big, some small,some red,black, blue and brown, different looks all together. but then there were a couple of really cute suitcases "baggage" with turqoius polka dots,pink with yellow polka dots and little bows, and for some reason that is what I kept thinking the entire sermon...........I don't try to hide me Baggage ...I try to dress it up and make it look pretty, so people don't really notice it. Then I can say I am being real, but truth be told I am just more creative about keeping the "real" me a secret! I knew that once I started typing all kinds of stuff would just come pouring out of me! I hope that as you read this you will be encouraged to be yourself, all or nothing, take away the polka dots and the pretty little bows and be yourself! Thank you for your time! Sharon


Alana said...

I love your blog is real and interesting!

That is one of the reasons I like blogging. For some reason I feel a little more free to be myself and speak my mind than I do in real life.

People pleasing is something I struggle with a lot. I've come a long way, but I also have a long way to go.

Alana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alana said...

The deleted comment was mine. I accidentally posted the same comment twice!

Alana said...

Sharon...where are you? I miss you in blog world!

In real world, too. Didn't see you on Sunday. Were you there or did we just miss each other?